
“An aerial view of Goldcorp's Dome open pit mine” by Len Gillis (Postmedia photo file)

An aerial view of Goldcorp's Dome open pit mine” by Len Gillis (Postmedia photo file)

Vancouver-based Goldcorp is the second biggest gold company in the world and. it is represented on the Canadian International Council, an organization that promotes public engagement with Canadian foreign policy. It has operated controversial projects in Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, etc.

Here are some headlines that exemplify its international activities:

No More Goldcorp, No More Murders

Goldcorp Found Guilty; Human Rights Violations, Health Harms, Environmental Contamination

Goldcorp's mine in El Salvador a ‘threat’ to human rights: government

Guatemalan Protestor Burned Alive for Speaking Out Against Canadian Mining Company GoldCorp

Moreover, Rights Action uncovered credible information that Goldcorp’s subsidiary in Honduras supported those who rallied in support of the 2009 coup against social democratic President Manuel Zelaya.